Monday 19 August 2013

August 19th – 698,359.

I can only describe today, as hectic both on the personal and writing fronts. I managed to get in a couple of good sessions and hit a total of 3,966 words, taking me within striking range of two goals tomorrow.

Unless something drastic happens, I’ll pass the 700k mark on the challenge, putting me almost 25 days ahead of schedule, and at the same time this manuscript is now in its climactic scene, and the epilogue is already written as it’s the prologue to book one – it just needs a little tweak. I know I’ll hit both targets tomorrow, and that’s a great feeling – even if, as already said, I’ll need to rewrite this one during my “edit” time.

On the personal front I’ve been to see the doctor and he has assured me the accidental double dosage of one of my meds over the last seven weeks (due to a pharmacy error) hasn’t caused any lasting harm, which is a relief. I then went and asked to see the pharmacist and watched as the blood drained from his face as I showed him the error his colleagues had made. They are treating it as a major incident (his words, not mine) and it will be reported all the way up to head office. At least I got a fulsome apology from him, and since the doctor has taken me off that particular med completely (it wasn’t doing its job, given the side effects of a double dose) I should recover my appetite and sense of taste over the next few days. A work in progress perhaps, but progress nevertheless.

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