Sunday 27 January 2013

January 27th – 82,664 words

Well, two things are important about today, three even. First, and most importantly the snow has been washed away, pretty much, by the overnight rain. I have managed to get Marion out of the house again, for the first time in almost a couple of weeks. She’s smiling, anyway.

Secondly, in writing terms I’ve finished the current draft of this W.I.P. This story is going to sit in the metaphorical drawer for a few weeks now, and I’ll pick it up again, to edit it in a few weeks’ time.

Statistically it topped out at over 76,000 words, much longer than my original plan, but all the events from the plan are there, it’s just a bit wordier than intended. We’ll see what the edit brings – quite a lot of red ink if I’m not surprised. But, hey, that’s often the name of the game.

The third and final milestone today was passing the 80,000 word mark. I hit 3,825 words taking me to 82,664 words and that extra-long chapter at the end tied the story off nicely. I already feel confident the story works. Now I have until the morning to decide which story to pick up next, which part written, or planned, concept catches my eye and deserves the same treatment. We’ll see.

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