I need to write the climax of the book in one go, it’s a
difficult one to juggle, getting the reconciliation between husband and wife
right, after such trauma in their relationship, is going to be difficult, let
alone trying to do it in pieces.
Overnight it’s snowed, as forecast, with another four or five
inches coming down. Surprisingly the paperboy’s been out in this, and although an
hour late, delivered our paper this morning. All kudos to him for doing it, I’m
not sure I would have wanted to do a paper-round in these conditions – ah - the
resilience of youth! I don’t think very many of my neighbours are out and about
in this either. However, there are signs it’s starting to thaw already, with bright
sunshine in a cloudless day. If only we lived at the top of a steeper hill, and
I was a skier. Since neither is the case, I see this as being another day in,
Ah well, cake baking anyone?
Just realisedI fogot to post yesterday's writing number. I hit 2,972 words - but was busy quite a lot of the day - which is why I didn't remember to post I guess.