Monday, 21 January 2013

January 21st – 64,113 words.

Thank goodness for Naproxen and an understanding doctor. In terms of pain management, my shoulder's been good, but would have run out of Naproxen tablets tomorrow if said understanding doctor didn’t give me a new prescription. Luckily he did just that, the only problem was I had to go fetch it, and then take it to the chemist to get it filled. In this weather!

It took me a good fifteen minutes just to clear the snow off the car. Clearing the drive would probably have given me a heart attack, as well as seriously aggravating my shoulder.

All done and dusted now, everything back “in the bubble” but tired after what felt a lot like an expedition. I guess those of you who live in much colder latitudes will think I’m some kind of a snow wuss, but truth be told, we’re not used to it round here.

Anyway, I crept past the day’s target, hitting 2,781 words and am probably only four or five days away from completing the book. Then it’ll be time to let this one lie fallow for a few weeks before picking it up again for editing. In the meantime the decision will have to be taken. Which project do I tackle next? Choices, choices, my kingdom for a choice…


  1. It might have been worth a taxi?

  2. Could have been, but they're like hen's teeth around here at the moment.
