Thursday, 10 January 2013

January 10th - 28,667 words to date.

Time to get on with other things today, but at least I’ve managed to write 3,506 words. This story is developing into more of a real-time plot – the action happening in the amount of time it would take the average person to read it. This is a bit of a departure for me, and is not my usual writing style at all. I’m going to be very interested in the editor’s take on this one, when, and of course, if, it ever reaches that stage.

Bear in mind of course, this is still only the first draft, and I might yet red pen huge chunks out of it, but that’s for another time, another place. For now it’s get on with the business of life, and the business of publishing – lots to do, and with the writing done, at least some time to do it in. I can do this at this time in the month and quarter, but in a week or so when I start to get the final sales figures in from Amazon, and at the end of the month when I’ve got to balance and distribute all the royalty reports, I won’t have the time. Getting ahead is therefore the name of the game and as I’m now 1,200 words ahead of schedule, that’s all to the good.

Things have improved for me health wise too, my back hardly played up last night, and, touch wood, hasn’t played up at all today. That advice from the physiotherapist about posture must have something going for it. However, having found out I can’t remove the arms from my chair without demolishing the chair entirely, I’m not sure if this is relief or simply a respite. The shoulder blade exercises still feel weird and it’s too soon to tell if they’re working, we’ll have to see.

My talk last night went down very well, and the audience seemed both interested and asked good questions afterwards, I’m not sure if the title “Finding the Stories in the Cracks Between The Paving Slabs of History” intrigued my audience, or put off others from coming, we’ll see.

Onwards and upwards...

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