Saturday, 19 January 2013

January 19th – 58,145 words.

Thankfully, we haven’t had any more snow overnight or this morning, although we are forecast some for tomorrow. The skies are grey and overcast and look full of it. I guess we had about three inches of the white stuff yesterday so it could have been worse. According to the postman and the paperboy this morning it’s not too bad underfoot, the snow is crunchy rather than packed so it’s not particularly slippery. Not that I have any intention of venturing outside and finding out for myself.

It reminds me of an incident a Kentucky State student friend of mine told me about, which I later incorporated into a short story of mine, about going to class in high heels. She wore heels and the points pushed down through the snow, locking each step in place, while all around her the “on trend” and “cool” kids slid everywhere in their high tech trainers. I liked the concept and used it because I could imagine the sound. The staccato crunch, crunch, crunch, struck a chord with me.

Having said that, my female pen name for that story would have had to research it further and fall flat on her ass trying. Since I’m at sixteen and a half stone with a beard, you won’t see me walking outside in heels doing the research! Even if I could find a pair to fit.

I’ve got a lot to do this afternoon so I’ve had to stop writing, for now. I managed over 2,400 words on my main project and 600 words as a starter on another story. That one came to me overnight in a dream, and I had to write it down. Total of 3,085 words, and finished that many by half-one. So, feeling pretty pleased with that, in terms of progress.

Despite what I said in an earlier post, I have actually stopped mid-scene. Oh well, we’ll see what that brings tomorrow.

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