Saturday, 9 February 2013

February 9th – Today was a red letter day.

I started writing just before nine o’clock this morning and when I lifted my head and noticed the time, it was approaching twelve, and a moment later my wife called out for me to go and prepare lunch for the two of us.

Then I checked the word count in the bottom left of the screen and my jaw dropped. I had to check my fingertips to see if they were bleeding, they weren’t, which was surprising.

I hit 5,501 words today, which is a record for this year! Not only that, but the total has now been pushed to 126,565 words, meaning I am an eighth of the way toward my overall 2013 target.

I am so stoked it’s unbelievable, but I have had to reluctantly put this tale to one side to pick up other work. Not the easiest thing to do, but one that has to be down nevertheless.

It’s been raining off and on this morning, not that I noticed, till as I sliced bread for lunch I saw the grey skies and how everything was wet. Apparently we had sleet too, but again I was too engrossed to notice. Tomorrow we’re in for more snow, but nothing like the amount that has fallen along the eastern seaboard of the US and appears to be heading for Atlantic Canada.

Stay safe, all my friends and colleagues in the US and Canada! Stay safe!

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