Tuesday, 26 February 2013

February 26th – 178,295 words written.

It’s been a broken day again, firstly due to external (non-writing) issues, and then due to a deadline for my Tuesday critique group.

Marion had her regular breast scan today, which isn’t the easiest thing to attend, given the history of all forms of cancer in the family, but nothing specific to worry about. Routine, but the doubts can harbour themselves at the back of the mind – especially after the surprise call back from the Retinoscopy screening (eyes) at the end of last year. As it happens that was something and nothing, but still…

I had to get my steam-punk story worked over today, working on it, and the comments (thanks Sunita and Deborah) which was a thorough going and quite brutal critique. As I needed to get the story reworked from their comments, ready to go to the Tuesday group (which meant it has to be submitted tonight, one week in advance, I couldn’t leave it. So after absorbing the, earned, punishment I’ve rewritten most of it, and expanded on it greatly. It made sense to me, but now, hopefully, makes sense to others. That’s 1200 words longer, although I probably wrote more than that in replacing the bits I deleted.

To make my word count I then picked up my w.i.p. and did 1,768 words on it. That means I’m counting 2,968 words toward my target although I’m pretty certain I wrote a lot more than that.

Ah well, then there’s tomorrow.

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