Friday, 15 February 2013

February 15th – 145,322 words.

I’d expected today to be one of those days, it was going to be hard to reach my target. After all yesterday I signed off on one piece of work in progress and didn’t expect to pick up another and just write. I’d need to read through it, edit the start I’d previously made and then think about the development of the characters and the story.

Instead, the edit on the piece I picked up was quite easy, even shallow, and despite the fact I’d last altered this piece some 18 months ago, it didn’t matter – I could pick it up and the words  jsut flowed. I was just in the viewpoint character’s head, feeling her emotions and flowing. As a result by 12 o’clock I’ve written 2,840 words and paused for breath.

Other things to do for the rest of the day, but at least I hit the target count.

Wow! Unexpected.
In fact, last night I was even thinking about taking a rest day today, throwing a sickie, having a research day. Instead, I can spend the afternoon doing something else, in the sure and certain knowledge I’ve been a good boy and can bask in that feeling of well-being.

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