Monday, 8 April 2013

April 8th – 307,843.

Well, I’ve been good, I haven’t given in to the man-flu, despite not getting very much sleep last night, and managed a total of 3,284 words today. That was split between my main work in progress and a new idea, which was very quickly turned into a 900 word treatment and filed for later use. The only thing I need to decide with that is whether to write in in the style of TV shows like 24 – i.e. in real time, which would result in a novel, or stick to a more traditional approach, cut out the linking scenes and reduce it to a novella.

That will depend entirely on how I feel when I start writing it for real. This was a story concept that came to me in between bouts of coughing in the middle of the night. It just formed itself out of whole cloth before I fell into a restless sleep, and this morning was fresh and foremost in my mind. Hence writing down the treatment before I forgot it. That fully fleshed story also included the character names, the period, and the precise location and setting. So I’m glad I managed to write it in 900 words.

The really big issue for me is that I’ve already got the idea for the sequel forming in my head. Damn, you muse, will you please shut up for a bit – let me finish the current book, at least, please, pretty please…?

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