Monday, 22 April 2013

April 22nd – 352,020.

I just had a quick look back over the history of this challenge as I updated the spread sheet I use to keep track of my progress. I didn’t really start on the challenge before the third of January, so as a result the first two days of January produced negative scores against the metronomic 2,740 words a day. Since then there have only been two days, one in January where I had a scene finish and wasn’t quite sure how to write the next one, and one in March where I came to the end of a book and finished fractionally short on the day’s word count. Every other day I’ve been the target, albeit on some days only by the slimmest of margins.

I’ve got to stop today, having managed 3,073 words and in the middle of that passing the 350,000 word mark, another milestone down. Marion’s still not doing well, so I’m going to take her to the docs this afternoon and see if they can tell us, and hopefully treat why her cough won’t go away.

We’ll see how that plays out.

In the meantime this work in progress is developing nicely. I’ve completed the climactic moments of the story, the black moment as it’s referred to, and am now working on continuing the story to bring it to a conclusion (note the difference between the climax and the conclusion) in such a way as to link this book into the third one in the set.

Depending on how Marion gets on at the docs, I might even get some editing done later.

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