Tuesday, 2 April 2013

April 2nd – 289,393 words.

Well, we had a rotten night. Marion’s cold and cough bit really hard yesterday evening and she spent the entire night alternatively coughing or just wheezing in her sleep as she struggled to breathe. As you can guess, the noises from her side of the bed kept me awake for the bulk of the night so when we got up this morning, we were both shattered. Marion, more so than me, after all she’s the one down with the bug.

The morning disappeared in a haze of fatigue and grocery shopping, and it was 1 pm before I had chance to sit down and write. Luckily it was another of those flowing dialogue scenes which I find so invigorating to write, so now, some ninety six minutes later I’ve stopped again, having written 3,028 words in that time. I suspect this one will have some continuity issues at editing, but I enjoyed the writing but now need a rest, 2,000 words an hour isn’t for me a long term sustainable speed, however exhilarating and however much there’s an adrenalin rush from writing like this.

I probably should have kept going for another hour or so, and topped 5, 000 for the day, but I really do need to get some other stuff done, and besides, as I said at the top of this post, I’m tired and I need to change down a gear, so editing and proofing here I come.

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