Book-ending the shopping trip, I managed to get quite a lot
of writing done before we went, and a good hour at it since we got back – the end
result is I hit 4,761 words, taking me through the 960k mark and the word rate
doesn’t seem to abate in any way.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, if I could
isolate the reason behind the step-change in word count, I’d bottle it and sell
it. Most writers I talk to, see what I’m doing as either incredible, or crazy,
or I guess, incredibly crazy. I’m not nuts, and I know full well everything I’m
writing for this challenge needs editing before it goes near anyone else, let
alone a professional editor, but it’s getting written and it’s getting written
If you start running, you run a few hundred yards the first few weeks, then a mile for a few weeks, then a few miles every day and eventually you can run a marathon. It's presumably like that with writing. If you kept at it, you'd be writing 10k+ a day and never be able to find time to edit! :)