Friday, 11 October 2013

October 11th – 878,712

I managed 4,273 words this morning which takes me well past the day’s target, but I’m now out of writing time due to other commitments. Importantly, this word count has nicely taken me over 100k words ahead of target for the first time, and over 36 ½ days ahead as well, so the likelihood of finishing before the end of November seems ever more certain.

As a result, I guess the “year of editing – 2014” will start at the beginning of December 2013!

This manuscript is also approaching its conclusion, and I guess in a couple of days’ time, I’ll be in my usual dilemma of deciding which one idea to work on next. For me, at this moment it’s a choice of three, but I suppose other candidates will raise their heads soon. We’ll have to see when that moment appears. In the meantime I’ll need to pick up the current manuscript in the morning and get cracking with it.

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