It’s taken me past the 970k mark and I guess I’m about a
week away from finishing this challenge. My intention is then to work on a NANO
project as a kind of stretch down – with a lower daily word count requirement,
that’s a good way to start to relax and take the pressure off myself. I need to
make more time for other things, and especially for edits. This book will make
15 written this year, and the NANO project will make 16 – that’s one hell of a
backlog of editing work – and I need to get that done and dusted. I think I’ve
said it before 2013 will be a writing year, 2014 will be an editing year.
I also need to pick up my IT studies again, and start
working seriously on some app building –there’s a number of projects stalled
there too.
I’m not saying I’m going
to stop writing, even for a while, that is something I no longer think is
possible for me to do, but I am saying, I need to get this done. Give other
things a little more priority, and a lot more time than I have been doing.