Friday, 5 July 2013

July 5th – 543,311.

I guess reading through the nineteen starts and plans I had lined up to work on, in order to decide which one to pick up today, was something that needed doing. Doing so last night was probably not a good idea. Why? Simple, there were so many plot ideas buzzing around my head, including two cross-over ones from one story to another that really couldn’t work, I found it difficult to sleep. Even worse, at three o’clock this morning I was wide awake, and in fact never managed to get to sleep again. As a result when I did get up, I felt like a wooden carving of a sloth, it was that difficult to get myself moving.

Coffee, is, as ever, a good motivator in that situation, and by the time I’d managed to get breakfast out of the way, I was able to get down to some serious writing and have now clocked off with 3,161 words written on the story I chose from the list above.

Since I had to take Marion for her leg X-rays today, I had to get everything done in good time. As expected, the radiographer was as gentle as she could be, indeed she went over and beyond as far as I’m concerned, but Marion was still pushed and pulled into positions that were extremely uncomfortable for her. End result, she’s sitting downstairs with her leg up, resting, and since I’m waiting hand and foot on her, I won’t be spending very much time on the laptop until after I’ve got her to bed.

As a result I’m signing off on here for the day.

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