Saturday, 22 June 2013

June 22nd – 495,641.

I’m trying to work out cause and effect, but I’m struggling between two possibilities. Either I’m so excited to be closing in on the half mill mark that I couldn’t stop writing this morning, or the current work in progress, only in its third day, has such a compelling story line I’ve been unable to put it down.

In either case, the effect is straight forward, I am now within touching distance of the half-way point, and if tomorrow is another day like today, then bingo, I’ll hit the target then, if not, Monday. The opposite way around from my opinion yesterday.

It’s not yet noon, and since I was up early, and had three writing stints, I passed the day’s metronome at about twenty to ten, broke for an hour and a half, and just brought the writing to a stop at a massive total for the day of 4,466 words.

Yesterday was the longest day, and last night the shortest night so I guess that was the reason I was awake so early – too much daylight too soon in the morning. Given that it’s now officially the height of summer, it is of course our normal weather conditions rather than bright sunshine – overcast and windy. Still at least it isn’t raining.

We’ve all managed to shake off the bugs we picked up a couple of weeks ago, but now by youngest granddaughter has gone down with a sickness bug. We, of course, want to go round and cuddle her, but we’re not allowed to in case she transmits the bug. Maybe that’s the reason I couldn’t sleep then – worrying about little Abi.

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