Monday, 10 June 2013

June 10th – 453,848.

Well, sorry I haven’t posted since Friday, but as I said it was a monster of a family weekend and that impacted on my writing. Did I care about that? Well, maybe, just a little, but not to any great extent.

On Saturday we celebrated my parent’s 60th wedding anniversary, and that had to take precedence. They had a great time, and the highlight was definitely the congratulatory card from the Queen. Even the postman who delivered it (Special Delivery, of course) was excited to be handling a card from Buckingham Palace and we were delighted they received it. They were both very proud at that moment.

The celebration was quiet by most people’s standards but they didn’t want a disco or loud music, so we had a great family time, with close friends too, swapping stories about events, both large and small, of the last sixty years.

Then, Sunday was a non-writing day too, and I can’t complain about this one as it falls on the same day every year. Please tell me, how anyone could expect me to get any writing done when it’s my wife’s birthday? Come on, I don’t have a death wish – I’m not going to shut myself away in my home office to write on her birthday, am I? Nor will I give out her age, but I will let on she is younger than me!

So, since I hadn’t written since Friday, I needed to get my mojo back on today, and I’m happy to report that in a total of three stints, I’ve hit 3,700 words, taking me to the total count above. That extra of almost a thousand words went some way to filling the gap from the weekend, and I am still 4 ½ days ahead of target, so I should easily hit the 500k, half-way point before the end of the month.



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