So now I have him obsessing about missing his chance with
her while performing a complex job when he’s tired and not giving it the
attention it deserves. Classic male issue territory, and ripe for a disaster. Meanwhile
she’s at home on her own, her flatmates having gone out without her and
wondering what she did wrong to make him leave like that, even though she
overheard his end of the cell phone conversation with his boss. The plot is
boiling along nicely, just add another spoonful of angst and we’re well away!
Today was been a busy technical day too, getting two book
block interiors ready, completing one e-book cover and starting work on a print
I’ve also been reading with great interest about toy camera
effects. You can now buy properly mounted cheap deformable plastic lens for
both mid-range and top of the range DSLR cameras. The idea is to be able to
mimic the effects the cheap film cameras of the eighties produced by accident. Why
spend several hundred pounds on a camera, and then spend twenty quid on a cheap
lens which gives you distorted vignette images with poor colour- balance and
fixed aperture focussing? I’m sorry I just don’t get it. Why would you?
Apparently the answer is the specific effects cannot easily be reproduced in
post-processing in Photoshop. That means I spy a business opportunity, someone,
very soon, is going to produce a plug-in filter for Photoshop that will do all
this and more – it’s only a matter of time. The problem for them is going to be
pricing. If the actual physical lenses are so cheap, who’s going to pay a lot
for the software equivalent?
As Apple say, "there’s an App for that".
Or as I prefer: “there’s an App for that, and then you…”
It’s a bit too morbid to continue that line of thought. Ah well,
back to writing tomorrow.
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