Monday, 11 March 2013

March 11th – 3,197 words today, 219,510 in total.

Wouldn’t you know it, it snowed again today. Grrr… Off and on throughout the day, and in between some very heavy snow flurries the sun was showing. I had to go to the quack today to get my sore eye checked, and I left the surgery into the teeth of a very heavy snow shower. By the time I’d crossed the car park to my car, I looked like a snowman. Half a mile up the road, driving in near blizzard conditions, I crossed the ring road at a roundabout, and it was as if a switch had been flicked – I was in bright sunshine.

Damned messed up weather.

As a result of all the toing and froing, I ended up not getting anything done before lunchtime, mainly due to the messing around trying to squirt the ointment he prescribed, into my eye. Not onto the sore area around it, but into it. If you’ve never done anything like that before, let me tell you – it’s difficult to keep your hand steady and not end up poking the thin metal tube into your eyeball and making things a hundred times worse.

Anyway, a couple of hours of solid writing after lunch and I’ve hit my target for the day. I suspect tomorrow is going to be a seriously messed up day as well, but we’ll see how that plays out.

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