Sunday, 5 May 2013

April 5th – 397,156.

I had another one of those insomniac type of night, waking really early, and I do mean early. As a result by 9am, yes you heard me right, by 9am, despite organising breakfast and getting Marion up, I’d managed to hit 3,386 words. Effectively leaving the rest of the day free to do whatever, rather than worrying about getting my writing stint done.

Tomorrow looks like a sure thing to pass the 400k mark, and that’s another great milestone to be able to look back on, although I’m not counting my chickens just yet. In fact, I potentially have the time later to put another stint in and hit the target today, but that would mean missing Endeavour, and I’ve got into the series now, so I might have a Sunday night off. The problem for me though is that Netflix have now released season 2 of The Borgias, and I’m up to episode 5 already, and that story is equally gripping, although the nudity count is rather higher than that of Endeavour. Given the snooker is also on TV today and tomorrow, for the first time in a very long time I’m going to have a choice of interesting viewing.

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